Rural Can Soler
Rural Can Soler

How to get to our tourism

Here’s how to get there


The house is located in the municipality of Porqueres, in the Pla de L’Estany, to 6 kilometers of the Lake of Banyoles, 22 kilometers from Girona and 123 km. Barcelona. Remember that the last 4 km. are rural road.

Acces 1

  • Highway A-7. Exit North Girona.
  • Banyoles direction. Highway. C-66.
  • Exit Banyoles l’Estany (after km 50)
  • 800m is the first indicator to the right.
  • Then, there are 4km of rural road.

Acces 2

  • Highway A-7. Exit Norh Girona.
  • Banyoles direction. Highway. C-66.
  • Banyoles exit.
  • Take the old road from Banyoles to Besalú-Olot.
  • Km. of the C-150 a there is the first indicator.
  • Then, there are 4km of rural road.


Latitude: 42 º14’92.32 Longitude 2 º70’56.56
(You can’t go by road because the road is rural and the GPS don’t indicate it)
The last part of the road that the GPS can locate is the road of Merlant, situation: 42º14’55.58, 2º73’55.08. Type “Merlant road” Municipality of “Porqueres”, and follow the indications to Can Soler.